Gerhard Richter About Painting

Gerhard Richter
About Painting

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Gerhard Richter’s oeuvre overcomes the division between abstract and representational art. His pictures neither cultivate a modest interplay of colors and forms nor do they deliver an intact picture of reality. Richter is a skeptical artist who questions the reality of his art even when the prime subject of his paintings is the tangible. This applies in particular to his door, curtain and window pictures of the 1960s, which form the central focus of this volume. They stage a playful examination of the illusory nature of art, which always questions what painting shows or conceals. This lavishly appointed volume encounters central works from the artist’s last 15 years.

With contributions by Stephan Berg, Martin Germann, Christoph Schreier
Publisher: Hirmer Verlag, 2018
9 1/2 x 12 5/8 in. (24 x 32 cm)
128 pages, 68 illustrations in color
ISBN: 978-3-7774-2894-9
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